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Signatures of Listening difficulties

SICLiD1000 (1).png

Role: Post doctoral research fellow, MRI lead

A longitudinal study at Dave Moore's Listening Lab (Cincinnati Children's Hospital) assessing the bottom-up and top-down contributions to listening in noise by children aged  6-16 with listening difficulties (LiD) and their peers. I lead the MRI element of the study investigating how the children listen to speech and non-speech. We are about to commence wave 3 of testing.


  1. Stewart, H. J., Cash, E., Hunter, L.L., Tamm, L., Becker, S., Werner, T., Vannest, J, Peelle, J. E., & Moore, & D. R. (In prep, Science). Auditory cortical networks in children with listening and attention disorders.

  2. Stewart, H. J., Cash, E. K.,  Hunter, L. L., Maloney, T., Vannest, J., & Moore, D. R. (medRxiv). Speech cortical activation and connectivity in typically developing children and those with listening difficulties.

  3. Petley, L., Hunter, L. L., Motlagh Zadeh, L., Stewart, H. J., Sloat, N. T., Perdew, A., Lin, L., & Moore, D. R. (2021). Listening difficulties in children with normal audiograms: Relation to hearing and cognition. Ear and hearing, 42(6), 1640. <here>

  4. Hunter, L. L., Blakenship, C., Lin, L., Sloat, N., Perdew, A., Stewart, H. J., Moore, D. R. (2021). Peripheral auditory involvement in childhood listening difficulty. Ear and Hearing, 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000899. <here>

  5. Moore, D. R, Hugdahl, K., Stewart, H. J., Vannest, J., Perdew, A. J., Sloat, N. T., Hunter, L. L. (2020). Listening difficulties in children: Behavior and brain activation produced by dichotic listening of CV syllables. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. <here>

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