Oticon study
Funded by: Oticon Foundation $310,000
Role: Co-investigator, MRI lead
Data collection is ongoing at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. This study investigates behavioural and cortical plasticity from wearing hearing aids with noise reduction algorithms in children aged 6-12 years old.
Phase 1: Complete. Assessing behavioural (speech understanding, cognition and academic performance) and cortical change from two months of OpenSound Navigator hearing aid use.
Pinkl, J., Cash, E., Hunter, L. L., Ferguson, S., Evans, T., Nejmen, T., Hamilton, J., Moore, D. R. & Stewart, H. J. (2020). Short-term pediatric acclimatization to adaptive hearing aid technology. American Journal of Audiology, 1-17. <here>
Phase 2: Analysis ongoing. A registered double-blind clinical trial (view here at clinicaltrials.gov) comparing behavioural and cortical adaptation after six to eight months of OpenSound Navigator or Omni-directional hearing aid use.
Stewart, H. J., Cash, E. K., Pinkl, J. T., Nakeva von Mentzer, C., CCHMC Division of Audiology, Hunter, L. L., & Moore, D. R. (In press, Ear and Hearing). Adaptive hearing aid benefit in children with mild/moderate hearing loss: A registered, double-blind, randomized clinical trial.
Stewart, H. J., Cash, E. K., Pinkl, J. T., Ferguson, S., Martinez, J., Vannest, J., & Moore, D. R. (In prep., Human Brain Mapping). The listening brain: Children with mild to moderate hearing loss.